Yes he's always this happy, honest :)
...your neighbours start katnapping your cat!. I was making Amie's supper this evening, and had 2 of the 3 curtains drawn in the sitting room (was going to feed Noah, and living in a goldfish bowl isn't so nice sometimes). Luckily I was over in the kitchen and happened to glance out the windown on time to see a man walking off with Jessie in his hands..... I ran outside and a neighbour pointed out the house the man had walked into. I banged on the window (where Jessie was yowling and scrabbeling up the net curtains like a cat possesed) and said in my best Dutch "What the hell are you doing with my cat?" or words to that effect. He made some noises like he'd confused her with another one .. which was black and white and sitting under a car outside. Easily done I'm sure. Is the fact that Jessie is going beserk trying to get out your window not a clue that maybe she doesn't live here?
I didn't have time to argue as I'd left the two kids at home on their own in the house.... but what a WEIRD thing to do. Jessie gave him a good scatch on the arm when he was letting her out I'm happy to say. I just hope we manage to leave her on Monday with both cats!
Will update some photos now :) Just had to get that off my chest as I'm home on my own tonight and didn't get to rant to Rich about it (yet) :)
On a happier note, on Tuesday some mothers from the baby group came out for the day to NEMO in Amsterdam as a farewell party for Amie. The kids LOVED it, and I'd totally recommend a visit there to anyone, especially if you have a toddler!
Trying out a new version of a babysling, I forgot to bring the BabyBjorn :(
Zoe and Vera, Marieanna and Millie (only after this photo was taken did we realise Millie's head was stuck.. .she was fine though :)
Amie wins the race up to the next level
Zoe was kind enough to lend me Vera's sling
Time for a rest at the end of a busy day exploring Nemo. (There's speakers in the cushions!)
I bought Amie her first, and last pair of clogs today. I was planning on getting a pair for myself, but figured Amie's would take up a lot less room, and she might actually get a kick out of wearing them, and not a splinter.
The reason this is such a bad photo is that Noah was in the babysling on the front grabbing at the camera (that's his finger, not mine). And also, in order to take a picture of Amie these days you need to be a war photographer or something... the minute she sees you with the camera she's over faster than a Scotsman on a penny (sorry John and Margaret, Kate and Robbie :)... trying to grab it off you to see the photo of herself (that you can't actually take).. but there you go.
Hope to have more updates soon, only 3 days left in Haarlem!