It was a bit of a stressful car jounery, because Amie has recently developed travel sickness, and I did not want her furthering this latest developement in the back of my neighbours car! Luckily we managed to get there and back without any problems, apart from Noah crying on the journey home because... well because that's what Noah DOES in cars.. he crys. He's one of the few babies in the world that doesn't like being in his buggy or in cars. We will see if Ute ever braves the journey with us again :)
Ute also told us about this place.
It's a really cute little stables, where for a mere 6 euros per half hour you can take a stroll in idylic woodland leading your child on a sweet tempered pony. At least, that's what I thought. However, having paid our money and allowing Amie to pick the pony (of course she wanted to go on the biggest one there) we set off. About 4 minutes into the walk, the pony stopped walking and refused to start again. Now, I like to think of myself as a horsey person... mainly because over a decade ago, I was, and I dont like to admit the march of time has diminshed my skills somewhat. But dimished they have, as the mule disguissed as a pony was delighted to show me. I tried coaxing him along, pulling him along, hitting his rump (as with everything the old adage goes, if it's not working, hit it... applies to Senseo machines, and ponies).
Having read Black Beauty about 50 times as a child, I tried a bit of gentle coaxing, and gave him an apple. I mean, I'm on his side. I can see why he might not want to walk around with a little brat on his back for the 100th time that morning.. so I thought, I'll be nice, give him an apple.. coax him round. He almost devoured my fingers in the process of eating the apple.. and I managed to nudge him along about 50 meters using the apple as a bribe.. but the apple was soon up, and so was my luck. The girl from the stables came out a few times, and as with all good riding school ponies, he started walking the minute he saw her... but she had to go back to the stables after a few minutes and I was on my own. The problem was I didn't want to try any heavy handed tactics with him in case he careered off into the bushes with Amie on his back... and he knew he had the upper hoof. After about 15 minutes, a woman walked by with her pony heading towards the stable, so we followed them back. He was more than happy to walk home of course!.. Humiliated and humbled we set off for some coffee and cake at the restaraunt nearby and sat in the sunshine. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday morning !
I'm not sure what happed with the Desperate Dan shadow on my face, I did shave this morning! :)
Yesterday we went to the local swimming pool.. I didn't take the camera there, but we had a really super time. Especially Amie, who insisted on swimming around by herself, with her armbands of course. Noah also had a good kick about with his little legs :)
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