Saturday 8 August 2009

Enjoying some ice-pops with their friends Emily and Katie.

Emma made a flying visit to us a few weeks ago... Amie in particular was delighted, getting up extra early to go into Emma and chat to her, girl to girl.

Even with exciting new toys, "Coco" is still a firm favorite. I got Amie this doll when she was 1 year old and she loves her to pieces, literally.. the doll is falling apart. I keep meaning to buy another one while they still make them, because Amie will be devastated if she loses her.. which considering the fact she insists on taking her everywhere, is likely!

Whats nearly even better than Coco? A real live baby sitting on your knee. Amie has suddenly developed a fascination with babies, and seems to be pretty good with them. Handy bit of pocket money coming up for her when she's older!

Sometimes life here can be a little too hectic. This is how I discovered Noah when I noticed he'd gone quiet (a rare event) during dinner time. The fork was still in his hand pretty tightly so I think he feel asleep mid shovel. When I woke him he started crying "I'm hungry" and was very pleased when I pointed out his dinner was right infront of him.

This is Amie's impression of a turtle....obviously.

Amie is pretty handy with the camera, and took these two pictures of Noah... which doesn't take that much skill really as he is like her shadow, constantly trailing after her.

There is a lovely farm shop just up the road that we visited on Friday. The kids had fun feeding the sheep and goats.

Noah leading a congo line at a friend's birthday party

Amie and Noah riding on "Max", the beautiful rocking horse Granny sent all the way from Ireland...

... which seems to have given them a few ideas... how long until they are asking for one of these?


Rudi said...

lol at the sleeping while eating, I've done that.
we were wondering if you guys would like a couple of visitors some time?

Mom & Dad said...

Hi Rudi,

Sure,it'd be great to see you guys... Mid Sept is a bit busy, but other than that no real plans ... might have a friend coming in Oct for a weekend, but we'll work it out so you're not both here at the same time I'm sure :)