Mammy and Noah in Germany in Jan '08
Amie feeding "coco" in Haarlem, Jan '07
Amie and Daddy sleeping on the blow up bed in the sitting room in our house in Haarlem, because some people were visiting and we only had 2 bedrooms :) Jan '06
It's hard to believe that it's only almost a week since that horrible day last Tuesday. In some ways it feels so long ago... I guess having to deal with so much emotion in a short space of time, makes time feel like it much be stretched somehow. Yet here we are almost a week to the day. I have to say that I think we're all coping better than I expected. The obvious sadness with how things turned out, is balanced in some small way by the knowledge that we really did do everything we could for him. With that in mind it's possible to begin to accept that he had his time. It may have been shorter than any of us would have liked, but it was certainly could not have been fuller of love or good times, and we'll always have fond memories of our big fat cat. We were very moved by everyone who got in touch to express their condolences.. it's nice to know there are also people in the world who know the statement 'just a cat' does not apply. As sad as it is what happened with Neo, I figure people checking this site might be hoping for some more cheerful news to look at, and since I haven't been taking new photos lately, I thought it'd be fun to put up some pictures taken back in January 06, 07 and 08.
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